ChewsWise Blog

ChewsWise Blog

"Organic" Mega-Dairy Reapplies for Certification

The Case Vander Eyk dairy, suspended from organic certification in May, tells the Capital Press it is now working with a new certification agency to get back in business. "We're working with another certifier now and expect to be back in a couple of weeks," said Vander Eyk. "This is not uncommon, and it is very disruptive to our operation."

I would be very eager to find out who this new certifier is. I find it surprising to say the least that a company can be decertified by one entity and then be considered for recertification by another a month later. At the very least, this should prompt a review by the USDA's National Organic Program.

According to this article: "Vander Eyk, who has been an organic milk producer since 1999, said last week he did not know the reason for his suspension by certifier Quality Assurance International." I also find this statement hard to believe, considering the process involved in suspending a producer, a process that includes time for the producer to try and correct the situation.