Samuel Fromartz

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A View from Up North - The Town That Food Saved

Barry Estabrook over at Politics of the Plate has a post on a new book -- one I'm eager to read. 

The words “local, seasonal, sustainable” have been repeated so often and with so little thought that they have become soothing background noise, feel-good mood-music for any socially conscious eater worth his or her naturally obtained organic sea salt. So it’s refreshing to encounter a book that treats the subject intelligently.

Was it Holden Caulfield who said that the measure of a good book was one that makes you want to call up the author on the phone?Reading Ben Hewitt’s The Town That Food Saved impelled me to pay a visit to the author at his home, a raggedy farmstead at the end of a rutted, muddy, unmarked lane tucked among the folds and hollows of north-central Vermont.